Monday, March 8, 2010

Child-Like Wonder

WARNING! You may read this as "doubt". It is NOT! It is thinking about The LORD GOD like I encountered HIM as a child. Not childishly, but thinking of HIM with awe and delight. You know, like when you wondered what GOD was like before Adam and Eve.

And I realize [and you should remember] we can never completely understand The LORD Our GOD...because HE does more than we can ask or even imagine...& wisdom is HIS Foolishness...These are just some of my imaginings.

The other night my church held a mini-retreat called JESUS Night. Part of the evening was a time for reading and/or meditation. I [and others] could read a book or an article or my/our Bible[s] about The MESSIAH spread throughout the building in the rooms softly lit. Shortly after that time we shared fellowship over a snack and art. These ponderings came out of that communal conversation.

One of the participates, Brooke, talking about the book she read, commented on the physical danger to both Mary and her SON JESUS at HIS Birth in a stable and being lain in a manger covered with all the germs animals carry in their mouths. Because here in the USA, things are so very 'sanitary', sometimes we forget, even now, of the ongoing danger to most mothers and babies when they deliver their children in a Third World country [with the exception of the exorbitantly wealthy in those countries].....


Consider that JESUS was fully human and fully GOD; and that Mary delivered HIM safely, as well as several other children. What are the implications here? Would it even be possible for HIM to die of natural causes? The flu? Bronchitis? Or as The IMMORTAL HEAVENLY HOLY SPIRIT did HE have to be murdered in order to die? Could HE not just die in an accident?

Don't mistake me. I appreciate why JESUS The CHRIST had to be slaughtered. These are "what if" kind of questions.


As you probably know, I have been puny almost since birth with such ill health that it has hounded me throughout my life, & hinders me even today. [Although I am really very healthy right now. HALLELUJAH! THANK YOU, FATHER!]
So these comments pours out of that place of long-term illness and debilitated stance.

Hebrews speaks of how having lived a human life, JESUS has felt every emotion known [and probably some that aren't], including those I have personally felt and currently feel [My Heart-thoughts are how blessed I am.] and will ever feel in the future.

But how did HE experience the emotions I experienced throughout my years of struggle & affliction? How did that appear in JESUS's Life? What shape did it take on? Did HE think of sin as the only true long-term disease with which all of us are plagued?
Was HE sickly as a child? Did HE relate to an ailing sibling and/or parent? Did HE have allergies that were annoyingly there all the time? As GOD, could The CHRIST even get sick?
Like I said, not doubt, just wondering.


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Damon and Melody!

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