Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So, I have been back 'home' in Texas for about 4 weeks. I am very thankful for the lessons I learned during my time with the citizens of San Francisco.
So, that is to tell you that I am alive and well, except for some broken toes before I move on to another subject.
Since I arrived home my church has talked about GOD The FATHER, GOD The SON & GOD The SPIRIT and living in step with HIM in the road map HE designed for each of us, rather than straying onto one of our own scribbles, . I was blessed by The SPIRIT with the prayer I am sharing with you during Communion two Sundays ago. Please read it as the prayer it is and add your own praise and petitions you need to bring before The LORD.
Christian Love, Blessings & Prayers,
Isaiah 41:13

I had a conversation years ago with a woman who had buried two husbands when she met and married her 'Soul Mate.' D. had ushered her into faith in and acceptance of JESUS CHRIST, and then nurtured her reliance on and love for The LORD throughout their marriage. L. and D conceived what would be their only child, a son. When we had this conversation, this son was around age two.
That night she remarked about her awe she felt when he completed each 'first'. She glowed as she described her cooing over her son. How she had called her husband into the nursery the first time she changed a poopy diaper. Excitedly she exclaimed, "Look what our son did! Ha! Ha! Isn't it amazing? Ha! Ha!"
During Communion as I reflected on her description of her own delight over each of of her only child's feats...
I realized...
I can't imagine YOUR Reaction to YOUR SON'S 'First' Accomplishments.
LORD, was YOUR Delight like hers?
We read that all of heaven held its breath in anticipation of the birth of The CHRIST CHILD.
Is the above description why they did?
Was heaven waiting to sigh with awe and delight?
Like a mother who knows her first child is also her last, did heaven coo like that?
Did heaven wait with bated breath for each of The MESSIAH'S Firsts?
First breath?
First time HE cried actual tears?
The first tooth?
HIS First Laugh?
Did YOU also delight in this manner?
This cooing?
Was this The Point of it all?
Was this The Point of The Crucifixion?
Was it about YOUR SON'S First Sacrifice?
Was that why HE was hanged, nailed to a tree for 6 hours?
Did YOU delight in HIM then?

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