Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More about SF, CA "ikon" Church

As I previously stated, I did not get to attend church here until October 25th. That Sunday, as I approached where "we" meet [meaning me with the ikon attendees], The HOLY SPIRIT inspired me with the song, "Sanctuary."
'Oh, LORD, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving I'll be a living sanctuary for YOU.... LORD, teach YOUR children to stop the fighting, start uniting, all as one. LORD, let's get together, loving forever. [I'll be a] Sanctuary, for you' [I personally think that this 'you' is me saying that I want to be a place of peace for you, my friends]....
I think this gift of song was both a prayer that I was asking JESUS and an assurance from HIM that I was being sent to just such a place of The LORD'S Peace and Love.
Now you should know that after Services, my brother Warren and his wife Martha picked me up and with several little girls we all went to a pumpkin patch to obviously pick pumpkins for Halloween. Several times during that day of fun and the next week or so, I realized from comments that ikon meets in what is most nicely referred to as a bad part of the city. This Sunday it finally dawned on me that we meet in an operating nightclub...yes I am naive...no I am not an idiot.
The LORD GOD constantly amazes me! "Shout with Joy to The LORD!" (Psalm 100) The song given to me before my first Sunday which calmed my nerves [and I think we all know how shy (also known as scared or being a wimp) I can be when I am unaccompanied by a friend to [quaintly termed] have my back as I step into the unknown] and the Prayer The HOLY SPIRIT gave me to write [see below] during my first communion time with ikon; with these two gift, I feel that I am in the complete security of my FATHER'S Arms. I am sure that if other people could read my feelings when at ikon's house of worship and among this group of Christians they would interpret and speak of them as reckless, especially if they worry for my health and safety.

If you know me, you may know what my two favorite words are [and no, they are not Rachel and frogs]. It is vital to know these words are only my favorite when together. "But GOD..." are my favorite words because they resound throughout every day of my life; and I challenge you to think about how they manifest themselves in your life.
Nine times one or more doctors have specifically said to my family that I had a few days or a few hours or a few minutes to live and to say goodbye to me...But GOD said no, I have a purpose of this girl who is MY Child. The number of times of hospital admission I have is more than the number of years I have lived, even more than the years I will have attained on my birthday in January. "But GOD..."
But GOD tells me HE walks with me and can carry me through this city and any I visit in the future. I might not be physically safe. But GOD says I am safe spiritually. So here is the Prayer I received. After that are a thought I had this [November 1] Sunday and song lyrics sung at ikon. Although I don't know who authored the words, I know The AUTHOR of life.
Prayer [I love to pray songs]:
'YOU are LORD of creation, and LORD of my life, LORD of the land and the sea. YOU were LORD of heaven before there was time, and LORD of all lords YOU will be. Thank YOU, I think YOU have given me another ,"peek-a-boo." I know that ikon is the place YOU have sent me to continue to bloom. Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU! May we bow to the Precious NAME of our SAVIOR, amen.'
'Bath all things in prayer.'
'We are all in this together.... Walking the line between faith and fear... This life don't last forever... When you cry I taste the salt in your tears... Spell your name to GOD.'

Now ask yourself, "Is Rachel in the right place, or what?"

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