I am not saying I have complete & confident knowledge of HIS perfect will for my life. I am saying the role I described above is not it, at least for the time being. Instead, I am thinking about doing the writing I have been urged to...And I think now, maybe this is how I communicate best anyway. I love spell and grammar check, and let's not forget about that delete key. I also find it more difficult to edit myself verbally. On paper/computer the message I want to send to all who read this is crystallizing [Is that even a word? If not: "I'm pouring out concrete."] even as I type.
I have been warned by a friend or two about revealing too much of myself in a blog because once the thought is out there I can never take it back. Here the thing though, I am not sure I want to, take it back that is. I think of these postings as a statement.
Here I am warts and all.
I want to show and examine and remind myself [and if you read this, you too] GOD isn't done with me yet. AND I don't want HIM to be until HE is ready to call me Home. I am tired of putting the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY in the itty bitty box of my perception. I want MORE! Not more stuff, but MORE GOD and MORE time with HIM and MORE godly friends and MORE of anything HE wants me to have.
So let's choose today, whose side to be are on: the side of pagans OR the side of our HEAVENLY FATHER! I choose the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES, The LORD! [paraphrase of Joshua 24:15]
I choose today to no longer be on the sideline, but to walk into the HOLY ONE's Arms and to remain there until the war for my soul is done. Join me on my journey and pray that it continues to be ruled by The WAY, The TRUTH, & The LIFE.
Can I get an amen?